What we do
We turn big ships in small spaces toward a digital future. You are the captain and it’s your ship. We’re the tugboat. We are as comfortable on the bridge as we are in the boiler room.
We don’t need much space to make a difference, but we know the conditions under which success is most likely:

There is positive momentum. We can’t turn sinking ships. That’s a different problem.

There is a right to win and a story to tell. What you do makes -- or could make -- a real difference. (You don’t have to be winning now. That’s where we can help.)

Complexity. The knottier the better. To be clear, we’re not about creating complexity, but rather cutting through it and finding those simple enduring truths. (We’re experienced enough to know that sometimes, especially in large organizations, simple truths are not enough to drive change. It takes finesse and as much as people don’t like it, it takes politically savvy.).

Ability to make decisions. We love dialog, debate, and discussion. However, what creates real value is making decisions and taking action.
What we offer:
- We’re thinkers who can help with strategy, doers who can help implement, and teachers who love to share what we’ve learned. (We also make investments.)
We offer these things on a project basis, as “fractional resources”, as speakers or workshop leaders. (Investments happen via The Alchemus Fund.)
What you can do today:

You can take a brief quiz to see how you're navigating the currents that can either carry you toward the future....or leave you heading toward the rocks.

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